Creating Innovation

Over the years, I have evolved into a Manager of Change. A common thread in all my successes is my ability to effectively embrace and manage the change monster. To succeed, the fear of change has to be embraced, the mission must be internalized, and the value of success, or failure, must be clearly understood.  Strong leadership is both the fuel that enables success and the glue that holds the initiative together.

Giant leaps forward brought about by innovation are the keys to market leadership. By creatively enabling new technologies and business practices, we can increase competitive advantage by developing better products that command higher profits.

Paraphrasing Henry Ford, "An engineer can do for $1 what any damn fool can do for $1000." Today, too many company resources are under-utilized trying to do for $950 what their competition can do for $1000. The ROIs for efficiency improvements are relatively risk free but companies that focus too heavily on cost often lose market passion and the technical expertise to develop the next generation product.

  6583 Glenarbor Drive
  West Chester, OH 45069
Westerkamp Consulting (513)755-6667